Ready Ads

Frequently Asked Questions

PPC + Microsite FAQ

  • Any business that is serious about growing and has a successful product or service but need more leads in order to generate the desired growth.
  • PPC will be the right fit for your business if you have a product/service with a proven track record and you are willing and able to take on some risk in order to see positive returns.
  • PPC ads may not produce the desired results if the product or service is not a proven concept or if the business does not provide excellent customer service. PPC can get your product/service in front of more customers but it cannot fix problems with product quality or poor customer service.
  • The main differences between Ready Ads and other PPC management services are our conversion optimized Microsites, our dedicated customer support team, and we do not lock you into a long-term contract.
  • Our Microsites separate us from out competitors by allowing us to bypass any issues that would arise from running ads that send people to a sub-par or inefficient website. Because we maintain the Microsites, there is minimal additional work on your part.
  • A Microsite is a miniature version of a website, it has a handful of landing pages as opposed to dozens or hundreds of landing pages. Our Microsites are optimized to work with Google Ads and their main job is to make the customer acquisition to customer conversion process as easy and smooth as possible.
  • Microsites are an important part of leveraging the best or most popular aspects of your current products/services. Because it is optimized to work with your ads, the Microsite will feel like an extension of your ads to the customer and it will guide them through the lead generation funnel.
  • The Microsite in the package is already set up and optimized/designed to: look good, be easy to navigate, be mobile friendly, have content to further filter out low quality leads, and make it easy for good quality leads to sign-up or submit a form.
  • The Microsite requires minimal work on your end as we are in charge of managing and maintaining the site on your behalf. Any problems that may arise will be dealt with immediately by us.
  • While your current website may be a quality website, our Microsite allows us to focus in on a specific product or service and get the most out of your advertising budget compared to running ads for all of your products/services or generic ads for brand recognition.

Ready Ads Pricing FAQ

  • Our PPC pricing is broken down into two categories: 1, the monthly management fee. 2, the monthly Google Ads ad spend cost (the amount that you pay to Google in order to run Google Ads).
  • The monthly management fee for the Growth Plan is $1,500/mo and the fee for the High Growth Plan is $2,500/mo.
  • The monthly Google Ads ad spend for the Growth Plan is a minimum of $1,500/mo and the High Growth Plan ad spend is a minimum of $2,500/mo. (Actual monthly ad spend will be within $100 of the set budget and may fluctuate slightly each month due to Google's ad buying bidding process).
  • Total cost per month for management services and to run Google Ads is: $3,000 minimum for the Growth Plan and $5,000 minimum for the High Growth Plan.
  • The Enterprise Plan has a monthly Google Ads ad spend minimum of $10,000/mo and requires a consultation to determine the monthly management fee.
  • The Microsite in the package is already set up and optimized/designed to: look good, be easy to navigate, have content to further filter out low quality leads, and make it easy for good quality leads to sign-up or submit a form.
  • The Microsite requires minimal work on your end as we are in charge of managing and maintaining the site on your behalf. Any problems that may arise will be dealt with promptly by us.
  • While your current website may be a quality website, our Microsite allows us to focus in on a specific product or service and get the most out of your advertising budget compared to running ads for all of your products/services or generic ads for brand recognition.
  • The main differences between the Growth Plan and High Growth Plan include:
    • more Google Ads Campaigns (more ad campaigns allow us to market different products and reach different target markets).
    • more Microsite pages (more pages means more featured products/services).
    • more ad types (utilizing more advanced ad types can lead to better quality leads in more places).
    • larger Google Ads budget (a bigger budget will allow you to be more competitive when competing with other brands and further maximize ad campaign performance).
    • If you are on the Growth Plan: Limited, you can increase the budget from $1,500 to $2,499 without any additional Ready Ads fees or additional landing pages, once you reach $2,500, you will need to upgrade to the High Growth Plan.
    • If you are on the High Growth Plan: Yes, as long as your Google Ads budget does not exceed $9,999 then the additional budget will go toward targeting a larger audience and bidding on higher valued keywords. Spending $10,000 or more for Google Ads will require you to upgrade to the Enterprise Plan.
    • If you are on the Enterprise Plan: Yes, at the enterprise level your plan is fully customized to maximize your ad budget.
  • No, we do not require long term contracts. Our services are month to month but we can set up a contract to lock in long term services if you would like. We do ask for a 30-Day courtesy notice to wind down our team's work and carefully transition out of any active campaigns that may be in the works.
  • Yes, because we do not require long term contracts, you are able to change your plan on a month to month basis if desired. We will require a fee for the extra Microsite pages if you choose to upgrade your plan.

We aren’t just another PPC agency, see how we can help you.

Start generating the leads your business needs.

Take your business to the next level.

Start generating the leads your business needs.

Google Ads Budget:
$1,500+ Monthly
($50+ Daily)

Up to 2 Google Ads
Campaigns / Month

3-Page Branded Microsite

Google Ads Budget:
$2,500+ Monthly
($85+ Daily)

Up to 5 Google Ads
Campaigns / Month

5-Page Branded Microsite

Fully customizable plan for enterprise clients

Dedicated Service Team

Simply fill out this tinerest form and we will get you started with a free consultation plan