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The Art of the CTA and Strategies that Work for B2B Businesses

CTA and Strategies that Work for B2B Businesses | Ready Ads - Results Driven PPC Management with Lead Generating Microsite

It’s the last step to the final destination. The make-or-break moment. That little bit of text on the button or submit form that decides whether someone moves on…or becomes your next client (or “conversion” as they are often referred to in the digital world). 

We’re talking about the CTA (or “call-to-action”).

CTA and Strategies that Work for B2B Businesses | Ready Ads - Results Driven PPC Management with Lead Generating Microsite

It might not seem like a huge deal on its face, but this critical little bit of copywriting is essential. And while there are plenty of blogs and websites out there detailing how to craft the perfect CTA for B2C businesses, B2B CTAs seem to be a little harder to crack. Often because there is more at stake, so instead of being creative, B2B owners would rather play it safe, resulting in an endless stream of “get started” buttons. 

But there is a compromise. Compromise that if performed correctly, could have a major positive impact on your final conversion count. 

So how do you craft a truly compelling CTA for your B2B? Here are our tips: 

1. Understand the true difference between the B2C and B2B CTA.

B2C CTAs deal with emotional appeal. They are hoping to hook customers based on making them feel like they need to “act now” because they might “miss out.” 

Basically, the goal is to convert them as quickly as possible before they drop off.  

B2B CTAs, on the other hand, have longer buying cycles, which means potential clients need more time to familiarize themselves with your company with the goal being to cultivate a long-term relationship and appeal to stakeholders at large. 

That means instead of CTAs being shallow and transactional, CTAs should instead lead potential clients through the sales funnel, providing them with beneficial information and resources to help them make an educated decision. 

2.     Define what you want to accomplish. 

CTA and Strategies that Work for B2B Businesses | Ready Ads - Results Driven PPC Management with Lead Generating Microsite

CTAs can be used for a variety of purposes. To write an effective one, you first need to figure out your goal and what would be most helpful in getting your potential clients the information they need to make an educated decision.  

Do you want potential clients to: 

–       Try a free demo

–       Read your white paper

–       Contact you 

–       Set up an appointment or call

–       Subscribe to your newsletter/blog/emails

–       Read your reviews

After you figure out what CTA would be most beneficial to your client base, it’s time to work on the language. 

3.     Be conversational but be careful. 

While it’s a common belief that B2Bs must be professional and uptight all the time, in our experience, loosening that collar a bit and adding a human touch can be more compelling. It’s important to remember that there is a human on the other side of that computer screen. Don’t get so carried away with industry jargon that you forget that. 

Where with a B2C, a CTA might entail something like, “Buy Now,” or, “Get 20% Off Today Only,” a B2B CTA is going to be a little more nuanced and meaningful. Afterall, you are looking to build a long-term relationship – not just a “buy it and forget it” transaction. 

Because of this scenario, you need to connect to prospects on a more personal level. Phrases like, “Send us a message,” “Watch it in action,” or “I want to know more” can be more compelling and make you stand out rather than using generic phrases like “Get started” or “Try a demo” without cheapening your value.  

4.     Utilize enticements and build trust and value.

There is no better way to build trust and excitement than to offer your prospects and/or clients free resources. For example, you could offer downloadable white papers, a free demo, access to case studies, a video with more information, a way to set up a quick virtual meeting, or allow them to explore your process. Anything that is going to build credibility and make your potential client go, “Okay, they really know what they are doing” or “That’s the sort of relationship we are looking for.” 

5.     Think about your CTA from the client’s perspective. 

Your first instinct is to sell your company. Which is in fact correct, that is what you should be doing. However, the issue comes when you and your website become that person at the party who only talks about themselves. No one likes that person. 

Instead, you need to think from the perspective of the company considering you. What might their need be? What part of the buying cycle are they currently in? What information might be helpful? What might be the best and easiest way for them to get the information they need to make a decision and develop a long-term relationship? 

Craft your message and CTA around that, and make sure the actual text relates to what you want the user to accomplish.  

6.     Keep it short. Keep it simple. 

With B2B CTAs, it’s common to have the urge to stick in extra information to make your offer more enticing. But while you might be tempted to use a CTA like, “See why we won best business of the year last year,” keep it simple instead. Extra facts dilute incentive and should be left to your primary content instead.  

We suggest that you: 

–       Always relate your CTA directly to what is being offered. E.g. “Try your free demo” is always going to work better than “Get started.” 

–       Personal is better. While it’s more comfortable to keep CTAs generic, personal is better where possible. So, instead of using, “Book a demo,” try language like “See it in action for free.” 

–       Six words or less is best. Any more than that and you risk losing the attention of your potential customer. 

–       You can use multiple CTAs, but don’t go crazy. Try to keep it to three or less. By asking potential clients to perform too many actions, you are diluting your message, which might lead to more drop off than conversions. 

7.     Test them. And then test them again. And again. 

Once you have finally crafted the perfect CTA, it’s time for testing. Just changing the color of your CTA can change the outcome – so imagine what changing the wording or conversion action can do. 

By utilizing A/B testing, you can work to see what combinations and CTAs are most effective. And since this can change over time, it’s important to not just test once, but to continuously test as your business continues in its digital journey. 

Final thoughts 

It might seem like that tiny bit of CTA text couldn’t possibly make a difference, but do it right, and you could increase your conversion rate astronomically, turning your digital presence into your largest and most successful presence.     

Need help taking your B2B CTAs to the next level? 

At Ready Ads, we’ve been helping enterprise level clients and beyond for over 20 years. Let us help you grow your PPC with perks like 100% trackable results, no annual contract, full transparency, dedicated customer support, data-driven results, quality leads, maximized ROI…and the results to prove we know what works. 

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