Ready Ads

Case Studies

Our PPC Lead Generation Solutions in Action

Case Studies

+77% YoY Conversions

MeeFog has been the world leader in water fog technology for over 50 years with fogging systems that humidify and cool industrial, commercial, and agricultural processes. As the world shifted towards a more digital friendly culture, MeeFog saw this as an opportunity to stay ahead of the competition. So, in 2021 they enlisted Ready Ads to boost online lead quality in order to reach new audiences and promote new products.

Smarter Ad Strategies and Placement Produced Better Leads

We achieved a 77% YoY increase in quality leads by creating targeted keyword sets and using both search and display ads to reach more niche audiences. By improving the quality of the ads and utilizing remarketing ads, we were even able to reduce the Cost Per Conversion.

Still not convinced PPC lead generation is right for you?

+300% YoY More Leads

Master & Master has been producing industrial ceramic parts for over 70 years and have headquarters in California and China. With the transition of the business to the next generation, they looked to Ready Ads to help them get to the next level. We created a Microsite and implemented paid search strategies to generate the new leads they needed to grow.

More Leads at a Lower Cost Through Hands-On PPC Management + Microsite

We improved conversion rate by 444% throughout the year for Master & Master with the Microsite we developed with their brand. After continuous monitoring and PPC testing, we were able to launch effective ads that worked with the Microsite and helped increase website conversion rates.

We aren’t just another PPC agency, see how we can help you.

What Our PPC + Microsite Clients Say

Wondering if your current PPC campaign can do better?

Get in touch with us today for a free PPC analysis for your business to see how we can improve your ROI.

Start generating the leads your business needs.

Take your business to the next level.

Start generating the leads your business needs.

Google Ads Budget:
$1,500+ Monthly
($50+ Daily)

Up to 2 Google Ads
Campaigns / Month

3-Page Branded Microsite

Google Ads Budget:
$2,500+ Monthly
($85+ Daily)

Up to 5 Google Ads
Campaigns / Month

5-Page Branded Microsite

Fully customizable plan for enterprise clients

Dedicated Service Team

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